
Still alive!

I know I haven't posted much lately, but that's because I'm busy editing images for Lair Land and working on developing my own game. I hope I can soon write some more about that.

In the meantime I made I cute little banner which anyone is free to use to link to my blog!

You can use the following code to implement it on your website, blog, whatever... :D

<a href="http://geekouts.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEirOFvU_csTa1bzDC4f5Vpg_Sf_AuLK_bKgNBIgB973SNrlgUZVv_O5tSbYz17gB4FjUNN2GU7yWJuDUIRsUmFv_vAhN6W_a-dYWL4FG_oz2OfRi6QduBNeWKu8afeX1bY6Fg1kYXoOQNBh/s1600/banner.png" style="border: 1px solid black;" /></a>

If anyone is reading this blog at all. :> 


  1. Well, now I'm reading it. :D
    The banner looks cool. :)

    So, where are those meaty infos on your game? :D Will get back.

    (Raji in Siliconera)

    And just on a sidenote, do you prefer english over german or should I post in german? ^^

    1. Whoops, didn't notice your comment before.. ^^;

      Err, I don't mind either way, as I'm fluent with both, so just write in whatever language you're more comfy with? :>

      Meaty infos will be out when there's infos to share, which might weeks to months - but IF there is anything to share, it will be shared here. XD
